Soft & Technical skills

Training & Development

Learning happens all the time whether or not you are fully aware of it. Are you a person who forgets to save your work on your computer on a regular basis? If a power failure occurs and you loose some data, do you learn anything?

On the other hand, intentional learning happens when you engage in activities with an attitude of “what can I learn from this?” Employee development requires you to approach everyday activity with the intention of learning from what is going on around you.

For employee training and development to be successful, management should:

Provide a well-crafted job description

Provide training required by employees to meet the basic competencies for the job.

Develop a good understanding of the knowledge, skills and abilities that the organization will need in the future.

Explain the employee development process and encourage staff to develop individual development plans

  • Support staff when they identify learning activities that make them an asset to your organization both now and in the future.

Event List

City Event
Exhibited at Annual Business Show (2022
ABI (Association of British Investigators) – AGM
ACFE Global Conference, (2024)
Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce – Conducted Training Session (2023)
Corporate Risk Management:
Managing the Dark/Hard Side of Businesses
Virgin Money Bank, Glasgow
Meeting in Boardroom (2022)
Training on Corporate Risk Management:
Managing the Dark/Hard Side of Businesses
Washington DC
Training on Project Risk Management for African Ambassadors (2024)
Various training projects completed since 2013 (ongoing)
our services

Corporate Training is always custom designs as per requirement by the organization few of them could be

  • Accounting and Finance
  • Technical & Operational Banking
  • Communication and Writing Skills
  • Contracts Management
  • Human Resources Management
  • Interpersonal Skills and Self Development
  • Leadership and Management
  • Maintenance Planning and Mgmt
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Planning and Strategy
  • Project Management
  • Public Relations
  • Quality and Productivity
  • Safety Management
  • Supply Chain and Logistics Management
  • Training and Development
  • Train the trainer
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